Creativity for beginners. 5 simple steps for people who don’t know how or where to start.

On the subject of creativity, one of the most asked questions on Google is ‘How can i start being creative?’

Anyone in the creative industries, would be like: ‘What?! There’s no form to fill out, fool. Just start.’

Took me a while to realise why someone would feel the need to ask that question. Creativity for me is like breathing. It’s a completely natural, all pervasive, unconscious act. And will be for a number of you reading this. Surely, you just do it?

But creativity for many people is an utterly alien concept. An amorphous alternate state. The exclusive preserve of the wild-eyed, and dangerous. They don’t perceive creativity as accessible.

Schools are to blame. Society is to blame. The workplace is to blame. The creative industries are to blame. (Something for another post)

But, the fact is, creativity belongs to everyone. Everyone was born with creative ability. Everyone. Everyone. Everyone. And just in case you think this doesn’t include you, let me repeat: Everyone. Including you.

So, you don’t need to ‘start’ being creative. You are creative. Just be.

Creativity needs to be democratised. It needs to welcome everyone in. It’s why I wrote The Creative Nudge with the human firework, Kevin Chesters. I wanted everyone to feel creativity was something they could do and had every right to do. The world needs more creative thinkers. More innovators. More open minds. There are so many problems that new solving in new and fresh ways. The world also needs the adaptability and resilience that creativity breeds.

So, I thought, for everyone who has ever asked Google this question, or wanted to, here are 5 simple ways to start ‘being’ creative.  I’m also in the process of designing a warm and welcoming creative workshop for people who want to explore their creativity but don’t know how or where to start. Will keep you posted.


1. JFDI (PRACTICE) – No one was born with hundreds of amazing, fully formed concepts, novels, songs, or designs in their head, that just needed to be transcribed. So don’t put that pressure on yourself. Every last one of them came about through practice. Lots of practice. Just pick up your pen, brush, laptop and commit. The more you practice the better you get.

2. QUANTITY IS QUALITY – Forget perfection for now. Just come up with lots of stuff. Go crazy. Keep going until you just can’t do any more. Genuinely doesn’t matter how good it is.

These ideas will be stepping-stones to other ideas. Then when you have loads, stop, and take a breather. Then come back with fresh eyes, pick the best ones, and develop them. As they develop the strongest ones will call out to you.

(Remember to take a proper break before you review your ideas. It gives you a chance to reduce your stress around a project, gives you perspective, and gets you fired up again.)

3. BE A MAGPIE – If you spot something you like, something stimulating, intriguing, makes you feel something. Keep it. Create a Pinterest board. Create an inspiration wall on your home screen. Make a pin board or scrap book. Then use it for inspiration whenever you need it. Don’t be shy about building on what you find. Everything inspires everything. (Just don’t copy it and claim it as your own.)


4. BUDDY UP - Collaboration is a great way to increase your creative powers. Especially when you’re just getting going. It’s a well know creative phenomena that 1 + 1 = 3. It also helps to have a training buddy for moral support and a bit of cheerleading. There’s no set way to collaborate. Whatever works for you. Just look at Elton John and Bernie Taupin.


Creativity needs you to feel the fear. Get comfy with chaos and uncertainty. Fear of failure or looking stupid will hold you back. And in some cases, stop you from starting. Don’t compare yourself to others. Unhelpful. You do you. If you aren’t failing a lot, you aren’t trying hard enough.


And if today is the day that you decide to start to be creative, I’m right there behind you. Feel free to reach out.


“It’s not where you take things from, it’s where you take them to.”


Overcome your fear of change, Britain. Or get left behind.